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It's Our Turn

It's our turn to stand up

It's our turn to raise our voice

It's your turn to change the world

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What is AFE?

We are a group of Valley Christian students striving to make a better campus,

Alliance For Equality is a club comprised of student activists who discuss gender disparities every Friday. Our club raises awareness about a multitude of gender-related topics from sexual assault to the pink tax and strives to create a more socially aware VCS student body. The club also prioritizes serving its local community by donating feminine hygiene products such as pads, hair ties, and other often overlooked necessities to local shelters.



help your community


Kayla Truong

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Kayla is our co-founder and President. She is currently a junior in high school and hopes to pursue a career in STEM or writing after education. In her free time, Kayla loves reading, writing, and watching Netflix. She originally came up with the idea of AFE after being triggered by the Alabama abortion bill.


Alyssa Salehpour

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Alyssa is our Vice president. She joined the club because it generates discussions and growth on campus, and also supports our community. Alyssa can usually be found befriending strangers and spreading positivity. Alyssa is currently a senior in high school and is an active member of her school's drama team.


Shreya Vikram

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Shreya is our co-founder and media manager. She is currently a senior in high school and she plans to pursue a medical career in the future. Shreya is also an incredible dancer and a clarinet player. She also created the petition that helped establish AFE as a VCS club and has been active in AFE ever since.


Malini Nair

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Malini is our co-founder and Treasurer. She is currently a senior in high school and hopes to pursue a STEM career after education. Malini is currently the president of the VCS MATE ROV team and is very passionate about the incorporation of women into the STEM field. 

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